Maynard De Guzman
Data Analytics Projects
Project 1: Most Profitable Movies and Most Popular Actors and Directors According to the IMBD Top 1000
Summary and Key Findings
1. Drama is by far the most prevalent category in the IMDB Top 1000 list in terms of appearance with 724 movies. Far away in 2nd is comedy with 233.
2. Alfred Hitchcock is the director that appeared the most in this list, 14 times. While Robert De Niro is the star with the most appearances at 17.
3. War movies have the highest average rating in this list at 8.014. War movies appeared 51 times in this list.
4. Movies on run from 45 mins all the way up to 321 mins with an average length of 122.89 mins.
5. The top (3) rated movies from each category are The Shawshank Redemption (Drama), The Godfather (Crime), and The Dark Knight (Action) with ratings of 9.3, 9.2, and 9.0 respectively.
6. The movie Schindler’s List appeared as the top in 2 categories because it is both historical and is a biography.
7. There are 6 movies with a 100 Metascore: Rear Window, Lawrence of Arabia, Vertigo, The Godfather, Casablanca, and Notorious.
8. Top movies in terms of worldwide gross.
- Avatar, Gross: 2.9 Trillion USD, budget: 237 million USD, 12.3 times budget recovered
- Avengers: Endgame, Gross: 2.8 Trillion USD, budget: 356 million USD, 7.9 times budget recovered
- Titanic, Gross: 2.2 Trillion USD, budget: 200 million USD, 11 times budget recovered
Project 2: Amazon Clothing Sales in India, Most Popular Categories in Regions, How Promotion Helps Sales, Trends in Cancellations
All Viz shown here are ported from Google Sheets using images.
First 5 tabs in Google Sheets are the main Project Table and Visualized Data.
Graph shows total sales per day from March 31, 2022 to June 29, 2022
Most bought category of clothing per state (Top 10)
Per Week Sales (Number on x-axis indicates which week in 2022)
Most Cancellations Happened in April 2022. Cancellations went down from there.
Summary and Key Findings
1. Total sum of all sales from this table: 78,592,678.30 INR.
2. Day with the most amount of sales in terms of revenue: 1,209,364.17 INR.
3. Top SKU sold: JNE3797-KR-L, category: Western Dress, size: L, sales: 295,061.00 INR.
4. Average order value: 648.48 INR.
5. Week number 19 from March 1, 2022 to March 7, 2022 is the week with the highest amount of sales with 7,368,249.40 INR.
6. Bengaluru had the most number of sales with 1,549,303.00 INR. The category they ordered the most was Western Dress.
7. Cancellation trend. Cancellation Count for April 2022: 7137
May 2022: 5874
June 2022: 5303
8. Most popular category is the ‘Set’ with 50284 units sold.
Project 3: Starbucks Distance, Location, and Hours Analysis
Need quick login to data world (Google account can be used) to view full data
Summary and Key Findings
1. Shown as the first view in this Tableau Visualization – LA County Starbucks (Circle Size = Length of Regular Hours)
3. California Starbucks Stores are mostly open for 15-18 hours daily.
4. There are 7 countries with 9 or less Starbucks Shops. Monaco is the only country with specifically just 1 Shop.
2. These are the top 6 most common hours of operation in all of the Starbucks Shops in California.
RegularHours |
Occurrences |
5:00 AM to 9:00 PM |
212 |
5:00 AM to 10:00 PM |
190 |
4:30 AM to 10:00 PM |
152 |
5. Los Angeles (Los Angeles, Long Beach, Pasadena), San Diego (San Diego, Escondido, El Cajon), and Orange Counties (Irvine, Anaheim, Huntington Beach) are the the top 3 counties (top 3 cities within these counties) with the most number of Starbucks
6. The two Starbucks that are furthest away from each other are Cooper & Hwy 101 – Crescent City and Hwy 111 & Hwy 98, Calexico. They are 788.25 miles apart.